Sunday 23 November 2008

Heidegger and truth

I am reading Lonergan's Regis course on the Method of Theology (1962), and the section on immanentism in that course. He points out there that Husserl is certainly an immanentist, but perhaps also Heidegger. Heidegger, he says, may be heading towards realism, but he is still heading...

So it just struck me that what I have been saying about Heidegger in my Hermeneutics course may be quite wrong. I have been saying there that Heidegger has shown us the way beyond the subject-object split, that he has shown how we are always already beings-in-the-world. That, it seems to me now, is true as far as it goes, but the problem is that it does not go far enough. Heidegger rejects the presumption of enclosed subjectivity, and that is fine. But does he reach truth as something more than aletheia? Does he truly get beyond phenomenology, experience? Lonergan seems to be saying: as long as he does not acknowledge the significance of true judgment, he does not reach truth.

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